Well, it happened. I got bored enough to start a blog. Not much I can do as far as apologies go, so I'll let you continue at your own risk of wasting time.
I figured a good first post would be to make a bit of an introduction, so future posts will seem realevant and I wont have to explain too much on opinions and experiences.
I'm a 20-something male from the US (oh, so much credibility to my opinions has just been revoked), I come from a military family, mostly Navy/Marines, and I have plans to join some branch or another myself as soon as my chronic fatness is cured. Being a Navy brat, I travelled around a bit as a kid. I was born in Connecticut, moved to South Carolina, then Iceland, which was the last post we lived at before my mother retired (my father had long been out of the service). After that, we moved to Pennsylvania where we have sat on our slowly fattening asses for the past 14 years.
My parents are now divorced, and after a bit of a falling out my younger brother and I are somewhat estranged from our father. Its not that bad, cause really he wasnt the best dad. He tried, but his upbringing was pretty rough and I dont think he was suited for parenting all that well. I feel bad for him, but I think at this time getting back in touch is out of the question.
So, what do I do? I'm a waiter at a restaraunt. Glamorous, I know, but I try to not let it get to my head. I graduated high school almost dead center in class standing. I was pretty smart, but I have the work ethic of a Mexican stereotype, and almost never did homework. The only thing that saved my ass and got me into college was my superb test taking abilities, balancing my grades to an acceptible level and giving me a few scholarships to boot. Once college happened, though, weed happened too. My already deplorable work ethic was now fictional, and after five semesters I was officially dropped out. This happened in 2009, so my prospects were a tad limited as far as finding full time work. I drifted around, doing odd jobs and seasonal work, but it wasnt paying the bills. My brother was a bit concerned about my situation, so I was fortunate that he talked his boss into getting me a dishwashing position, and I lucked out that she was looking for servers less than a week later so I offered myself for the position, and here I am.
My free time is spent mostly on the little machine I am using at the time of this post. I discovered just how awesome the internet actually was after my first bout of unemployment, as before that it was just a library of funny pictures, games and porn. I gradually started moving my social life to a more web based medium with my lack of spending fundage, and today I can safely say that 80% of my person to person interactions happen online. Sad, but keeps me afloat. Theres also gaming, which a stoner of my age is usually quite proficient at.
The other parts of my free time are spent on reading, playing cards and other, less technilogical pastimes. I do get physical activity in, too! I have a minor excercise regimen for my mornings, usually a mile on the treadmill and as many pushups as I feel like doing. I draw pretty well, not great but enough to leave me satisfied with the end result. I may even share a few, although more recent projects have a very, um, trippy feel to them. I mentioned that I smoke weed, but about three years ago I tried some harder drugs, LSD being the first. I have since expanded my horizons, sometimes without my knowlege, and I have experiece in using several drugs of both physical and mental stimulation, uppers and downers alike. Please understand, if youre of the tolerant sort, that Im not a junkie. I have used acid literally three times ever, totalling less than five hits, and any other drug I have only sampled once or twice. I like to respect the boundary between use and abuse, and dropping acid once a year or so doesnt seem to fall into the abuse category. And, whenever Im trying something new, I keep the doses low and I make sure I have a sherpa (someone well versed in the effects of the chemical of the day). Also, I never drive when Im intoxicated. I just dont feel like risking any sort of legal trouble, seeing as how my 'get out of jail free card' has been used already. Anyway, those precautions dont excuse me from the activities themselves that I can call myself completely responsible, but compared to a lot of the people I have met who also partake, I can assure you Im in the camp that is most responsible.
Anyway, thats the long and skinny of it. Im not entirely sure what else I want to say, so Ill just leave it for another time. If I havent bored anyone silly yet, there's still time.